Tuesday 25 January 2011

My sketchbook pages!

This first double page spread was of silhouette cut outs. I decided to photo copy some notes and use them to cus the faces out of because it makes my piece look alot more interesting.

 Our next task was to find a face in a magazine, then to cut it out and draw patterns all over it.
I enjoyed this task because it was interesting looking at all the different patterns people came up with.
 For this piece i had to listen to an overhead conversation but i wanted the composition to look more interesting so i also drew a hand and editied it in photoshop, printed it off, cut it out then stuck it in.
 for this piece, i drew a contour line drawing of pets, which meant i couldnt take my pen off the paper, i found this quite hard as im not very good at drawing animals but i still found my image on the left hand side was successful 
 The next two drawings are also contour line drawings, one of my bedroom and one of the toilet.

These pictures below are both separate tasks that sir set, one was to draw an old shoe, so i used my dads army boots and used black fine liner, and the second image wad a drawing of a sprite bottle in colour, i used pencil crayons and fine liners to do this.
 This was an extra piece i decided to do because i didnt find that my shoe drawing was very good. i made a stencil and then used a blow pen to spray pink ink at it. I also stuck the stencil into my book.
      Here i used a variety of media from acrylic to fineliner to draw different faces i found on the internet.

 This is one of my pages for my hand drawn type...i used the lyrics from of monsters and men - dirty paws
This is the first page of my geometric pattern double page spread 

Monday 24 January 2011

Colour mixing basic's.

We played around with the different types of primary colours to see what shades of purple, green are orange we could get, then we were given 3 ranges of colours and had to try and copy them, even if we couldn't get the same colour we had to try and create similar values. 

Sunday 23 January 2011

Saturday 22 January 2011

My Accordion book on how to Bookbind!

i made this accordion book by drawing all the images on paper in black and white then scanning them onto the computer into photoshop and colouring them in, once i did that i arranged them into the correct order and printed it off. I then followed one of sir's tutorials into how to glue and cut the pages to put them together. 

Friday 21 January 2011

King-cat comic copy!

We were given the task to copy John Porcellino's king-cat comic's. I looked at his drawings on the internet so that i could make my comic look similar to his, but i made it a bit more personal and about me with all the information on the inside. I really enjoyed doing this because i thought the concept of using someone else's idea and making it our own was fun, And i found it interesting learning about John Porcellino's work and personal life. 


Here are some images of my classmates reading the king-cat comics we made!

Thursday 20 January 2011

No staples, cut and paste poetry!

To make this cut and paste poetry booklet i first cut out a selection of words from various magazines and then put them into 4 different poems, i then scanned them onto the computer so that i could edit the size and layout of the words. I also added images to do with the poems so that the booklet looked a lot more eye catching.

My zine

These are the images that i drew to put in my zine, there was no topic to it so i just drew what came into my head :P i enjoyed doing this a lot because we were able to draw whatever we wanted and there didnt have to be a specifiic topic. when i stapled together all my final books the staple made the middle of the pages look weird.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Film research

I looked at images of sea life and mermaids to help inspire me for my final idea. I looked at a wide range of techniques so i had a better idea of what media i could use for my final

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Mood Board

This is a mood board i made for inspiration for my mock exam on posters. 

Monday 17 January 2011

drawing plans for mock exam

These are some drawings i did using a fine liner based on the film 'The little mermaid' 

Sunday 16 January 2011

Clam poster and work in progress.

Here i took the scan of the clam that i drew and put all the different parts of the image onto new layers so i could colour them separately. I added shading to the shell to make it seem a little bit 3D and used pastle colours because i thought it made the image look quite cute! Overall im very happy with this poster :) 

Friday 14 January 2011

Carton research

Fruit juice carton final!

Here were two ideas i used initially chose for my fruit juice carton but i thought that the colours and pattern should be more subtle so i used a pastel colour's to tone it down a bit more. 
I drew the ripe logo in pencil on paper and then scanned it onto photoshop, changing the colour to light blue to make it more vibrtant and eye-catching, i really liked the scruffy pencil texture it has. I also then put some hand drawn pieces of fruit around the edges to make the composition look better, which i also coloured in on photoshop. Adding the pixelated texture into the background made it seem alot cuter and also gave the juice a very innocent feel to it!I am extremely happy with my finished piece.
the outcome was better than i had expected, i really like the hand drawn feel to it because it gives it more character. I used a variety of handrawn type and type i found on dafont. I used a fairly formal typeface on the sides for the ingredients because it makes it easier to read and doesn't look too much. I used a barcode too to make it look more genuine.